Best Of Friends


We used to be best friends

What made it come to such and end?

We were always needing eachother

Just like a child needs it's mother.

You were the center of my attention

My best friend, not to mention.

I know I've said things I don't mean

But now I see, and I'm coming clean.

It's not fair to hate eachother so bad

You know what? It makes me so sad.

We used to talk at night, 'till late

Don't you remember? We were soulmates.

But then you gave me back my half

I thought it was a joke, I wanted to laugh.

But it wasn't, and I don't know why

My next emotion was I wanted to cry.

When I met you, first moved into this house

You were quiet. Just like a mouse.

But soon we got to know eachother

And I thought that we'd be friends forever.

I tried as hard as anyone could

To do exactly what a best friend should.

Then one day you started ignoring me

I asked myself why... I just didn't see.

What was it that got to you

To start hating me the way you do?

I know I was a bit protective

But all I wanted was for you to live.

I don't expect you to come running back

But it's Okay. As long as you don't give me a smack!

It takes a lot of will power to be able to

Give something like this to you.

But I'm still asking myself 'why?'

When I know I should understand, well, at least try.

But it's kind of hard when you shut me out

Actually it's really hard, without a doubt.

I finally got to be friends with someone who had a brain

You were one of the only people I knew that didn't drive me insane.

But then I was dropped

And still wonder why it stopped.

Every moment of my life is frightening

Reality keeps hitting me like lightning.

I know you've been wondering why I don't hate you

Can you really hate me after all the things we've been through?

I must admit, I like my new friends

But I still wish our friendship didn't end.

When we first stopped, I thought it was pure luck

But then I knew that the rest of my life would suck.

We were so close, never apart

We were like sisters, bonded by heart.

I know it'll take more than just one glance

But please could I have just one more chance?


Dedicated to Leanne

By Daphne.

May 16 1998

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